595 The confessor (Er confessore)
Translated by Harold Norse
Father… - Say the confiteor. - I said it.-
The act of contrition? - I already done it.-
Continue, then. - I said crazy prick
To my husband, and I lifted four bits.-
Then? - For a pot my cat broke on me
I said before I knew it: ‘‘Goddam you!’’
I know, it’s a critter of God! - What else? – Well,
I went to bed with a young man that I know.-
And what happened there? - A bit of everything.-
That is? The usual way, I should imagine. –
And from the rear… - Oh, what a ghastly sin!
Therefore, because of this young man, return,
My daughter, with a heart fully contrite,
Tomorrow, at my own house, around midnight.